
Obituaries » Clifford "Cliff" W Summers

Clifford "Cliff" W Summers

January 1, 1941 - February 8, 2023

Obituary Viewed 942 times

Posted by:
Michelle Smith

Posted on:
February 12, 2023

My heart is heavy. Cliff, you were my mom's whole world and the shining light for my girls. I have been so very blessed to have you in my life for the past 29 years. You never believed in refering to me as a step-daughter and always said, "No, you're my daughter. We are family." You meant the world to me and were always right by my side anytime I needed you. I pray that I was able to provide you with some level of comfort during the past few weeks when you were so very ill. The girls and I will take care of mom, just like you asked us to do. Rest in peace, Cliff. Your absence will forever leave a hole in my heart. I love you, Shelly. ❤️

Posted by:
Marla Summers

Posted on:
February 11, 2023

My sweet, beautiful, precious husband. You've been my whole world for 30 years. You could always fix anything, improvise or come up with something to make things work. You could grow anything and we're going to miss your tomatoes and greens. The outdoors was your "man cave" and you spent most of your time out there. Thank you for the wonderful memories camping and all the family get-togethers where you smoked the best meat! They were some of your favorite times. Thank you for loving and treating my daughter (Michelle) and her daughters (Marissa and Madison) as your own daughter and granddaughters. Your were their very special "papa". Thank you for loving my whole family. You were a "Jack of all Trades" and would help anyone who needed it. My life will never be the same, but I will hold all of these special memories in my heart. You have no more pain or heartache now. You have a brand new body and are celebrating in Heaven with God and all your loved ones who have gone on before. Rest well Cliff and I will see you again one day. I love you!