
Obituaries » Jimmie Sue Davis

Jimmie Sue Davis

April 2, 1943 - February 2, 2023

Obituary Viewed 601 times

Jimmie Sue Davis, of Fort Meade, FL was born on April 2, 1943, in Lyons, GA to her parents Jimmy and Louise Farrow.  Jimmie Sue left this life to be with the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, on Thursday February 2, 2023.  Jimmie Sue was born the second time when she accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour in March 1981.  Jimmie Sue was employed for nearly 30 years with Findlay Industries as a seamstress of automotive seat covers and ended her career as supervisor of the sewing department at Findlay Industries.

Jimmie Sue Davis was preceded in death by her husband Elmer Davis, her parents Jimmy Farrow and Louise Farrow, and her brothers Johnnie Farrow and Dexter (Dickie) Farrow.  She is survived by her son, Darrell Davis, of Fort Meade, by her sister Eloise Binkley, of Babson Park, FL, her brother Wendell Farrow and sister in law Debbie Farrow of Lake Wales, by her niece and nephews, and other loving family and friends.