Death Certificates

How Many Death Certificates to Order

The following table will help you in evaluating which types of certified copies of the death certificates you will need; how many you may need and the uses for which you may need them. This will help you to disperse the certified copies properly.

In each case, it is wise to check with the appropriate agency to verify specific requirements. This table is just an example of suggested uses. Some agencies may only require a photocopy if faxing, or if bringing the original in person, the agency may make a photocopy from the original and return it to you.

With the Cause of Death or “Long Form” Without the Cause of Death or “Short Form”
Life Insurance (one per company) One per deed of property
Some Annuities/ Pensions DMV: mobile home, car, truck, boat, trailer, motorcycle, anything with a title.
Some Retirement Programs/ 401K Bank: Checking/Savings/Money Market/Trust Accounts, CDs, Safety Deposit Box, etc.. (Even if someone else is named on the account.)
Social Security Administration

(We notify social security)

One for the Estate, and/or Probate.

Check with your Attorney.

VA Benefits Federal income taxes, if they are being filed.
One per Stock Broker. These vary from account to account.
Electric Company, Gas Company, Cable/Phone Company, Credit Card Company, P.O. Box, ect.


These are normal transactions for which families find they need certified copies. Should you find the need for additional certified copies, we will be glad to obtain them for you.

They are $10.00 each in Polk County and usually take approximately 1-2 weeks.